Today's business applications can take advantage of the connectivity of the Internet and integrate with more devices than ever before. Group Seven Technology integrates Internet-based standards that are enabling a third generation of distributed application development with a focus on elastic Cloud based Service Technology, Web Service APIs and Enterprise Service Bus Integration.  

Our experienced professionals help you to create solutions that are designed to fit the need of your business for cloud based, highly-elastic solutions that dynamically extend your cloud platform when customer demand increases during special sales, events or new product launches. Our solutions are designed to reduce your maintenance and upgrade support, thereby increasing your profitability.

Our API solutions stand above the rest, because the architecture was designed from the ground up by a proven industry leader in software architecture.  Unlike other solutions, our software is designed to reduce your maintenance and upgrade support, thereby increasing your profitability.

Our Mission

Our Services

To Provide World-Class service to our Customers
We believe that excellence in service is the best way that we can let our customers stand out from the rest of their competitors.  

To Provide World-Class Software Products to our Customers
We believe in providing our customers with the best, easy to use, powerful software solutions so that they can spend their time doing what they do best.

To Provide a Great Environment for Creating Products and Services
We believe that great environments inspire great products and services.  Great products and services instill professionalism in both our teams and our customers teams.

To Bring Excellence back to the Business World
The Business World is filled with companies whose only goal is money.  We believe that integrity, excellence in products and services are equally as important to the bottom line.

To Build Great Relationships with Businesses and Potential Business Partners
Relationships in the business world are everything.  Building great business relationships are essential to enabling all companies to benefit from each other.  Handshakes and eye contact are equally important as signed contracts.